Water Markets

Water markets and river restoration is a core practice area for Summit Conservation Strategies. We specialize in understanding the policy and economics of water use in Western River basins, and then crafting water market strategies to meet client objectives.  Our expertise in water right valuation helps us navigate the market with sophistication, and informs design of auction and other acquisition strategies that efficiently meet water acquisition and river restoration goals.

Water market strategy, including design of auction, posted-offer, and other mechanisms to acquire water rights is a specialty of Summit Conservation. In this area we combine grounding in economic and financial theory with real world experience of what is likely to work in specific river basins.


river restoration

Summit Conservation has a long history of supporting voluntary market transaction based program approaches to acquire water rights for environmental use. Knowledge of water rights, prior appropriation, and local water management combines with skills in resource economics, finance, and valuation to support effective water transaction program design. Our efforts have helped local conservation organizations maximize their efforts across the West, restoring riparian habitat and instream flow to meet environmental goals.